Burushaski Language Development Website -
The purpose of this Burushaski website is to preserve Burusho culture and language and to develop them in the present time as far as possible, from within the Burusho community, by creating a pool of resources in which all three dialects of Burushaski – Hunza, Nager and Yasin – are included. Since one's historical roots are important for a healthy identity, they help to be successful in Urdu and English for education, job chances, and contribute to the beauties of variety of the country.
This is a Burushaski website – although you can choose to click your way through the menu buttons in Urdu and English as well. You will find both traditional existing and newly created language materials – both faith-related and secular. There are some pictures, some written materials, some audio and video, e.g. poetry, songs and stories. There is also a link to our bilingual Burushaski-English dictionary, info on new things available or events, and a place for feedback and contacting us.

This website is an additional resource for sharing language materials, not in competition with any existing Burushaski website or language archive. We will keep adding new materials and we will try to keep you up to date regarding new developments. If you want to ask us something, you can write us on the contact page, or via the link on the bottom of each page. As the materials on this website come from several sources, we do not in all cases agree with all of the content or the way they are made, and would ask you to come here with an open mind.
Please do suggest more Burushaski materials for uploading here, as long as they are peaceful, keep in line with good moral standards, and tolerate and respect each other’s writing systems and opinions. For doing so, please write to 'Contact us'. The website will live from your contributions.

About us
We – Burushaski Language Support (BLS) - don’t fit into any categories. We are neither a company, nor a charity, rather a variety of people, consisting of mother-tongue speakers mainly, and some linguists who are interested in language preservation and development. Elders as well as younger generations share the same felt need, and they contribute to the same interest.
Alongside education in Urdu and English, it is very important to support Burushaski language and culture. Cultural pictures here could assist to explain Burusho traditions to the younger generation. For preserving the language, collecting and publishing language materials here, as well as doing scientific research and writing about the language are useful.

Thus we invite all of you to explore the website, and to keep doing so, as new things will be added. You will benefit from it. Enjoy!
Burushaski Language Services (BLS)