Special Holy Stories (STS)

STS 01 - God Creating Hazrat Adam

God makes the world and all living creatures, with Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa as the first people of humankind, reflecting himself. 

STS 02 - Driven out from Paradise

The first man and woman are tricked by the Devil in disguise and ignore God’s warning. Sin enters the world and spoils all human beings since.

STS 03 - Cain and Abel

Cain (Qabeel) becomes jealous of the relationship his brother, Abel (Habeel), has with God. Sin increases to the first murder.

STS 04 - Hazrat Ibraahiim and Hazrat Haajira

Hazrat Ibraahiim and Hazrat Sarah try to fulfill God’s promises in their own strength. Their servant Hazrat Haajirah also receives a promise.

STS 05 - God's Covenant with Hazrat Ibraahiim

God tells Hazrat Ibraahiim to mark his body with a covenant symbol and announces that the time of waiting for God to fulfill his promise is almost over. 

STS 06 - Hazrat Ibraahiim and his Son

God asks Hazrat Ibraahiim for a sacrifice of the most dear to him, so faith will lead to action.

STS 07 - Hazrat Muusaa's Birth

While Hazrat Ibraahiim’s descendents are enslaved, Hazrat Muusaa is born and escapes the Egyptian King's command to kill all Israelite baby boys.

STS 08 - God Calls Hazrat Muusaa

God has a message for the Egyptian King, shows his power and equips Hazrat Muusaa to lead his people out of slavery.

STS 09 - The Day of Coming out from Slavery

False gods and stubbornness against God's command are punished in Egypt, whereas a blood sacrifice protects the people of God.

STS 10 - God Choses Hazrat Daauud

After the first king of Israel fails, a boy with the right heart is chosen to shepherd the nation.

STS 11 - Hazrat Yuunus

A prophet assigned to speak judgment upon a foreign city tries to run from his task. 

STS 12 - Hazrat Iisaa's Birth

A virgin is told she will become pregnant, and her son will be the great king written about by the prophets.

STS 13 - The Good News

The Good News of the arrival of God's promised Savior spreads to unlikely places and distant lands.

STS 14 - Hazrat Iisaa and the Samaritan Woman

The promised Savior begins his ministry, offers living water to thirsty outcasts and reveals who he is.

STS 15 - Hazrat Iisaa Showing Miracles

Religious leaders challenge the source of Hazrat Iisaa’s authority to defeat evil spirits and heal.

STS 16 - The Adulteress's Judgment

Hazrat Iisaa offers a new, graceful perspective on judgment as the religious leaders try to trap him.

STS 17 - A Parable to Teach a Lesson

Hazrat Iisaa tells a story revealing God’s perspective on humility and pride.

STS 18 - Hazrat Iisaa Raising his Friend Lazarus back to Life

When his friend becomes deathly ill, Hazrat Iisaa delivers greater power and promises than anyone expects.

STS 19 - Hazrat Iisaa Being Crucified

Hazrat Iisaa knows that his time on earth is ending and one of his closest followers betrays him to his enemies. Then Hazrat Iisaa does something great for human beings.

STS 20 - Hazrat Iisaa Coming back to Life

The tomb is sealed and guarded but his followers find Hazrat Iisaa's grave empty.


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