Some words in the Sahiifas - such as certain places or cultural features - you might not know yet. Here we explain them to you in alphabetically sorted playlists, so that you can listen to the very word you are looking for.
Playlist A

Aasanat | Abash cum Duisume Gunc - Passover | Abi-Malik | Abram | Adan - Eden | Adma | Adulaam | Ai | Amaaliiqitiṅ | Amuura - Gomorrah | Amuuritiṅ | Aqhon - Priest | Araba - Chariot | Highest heaven | Asiirum sukuin - Next Kin | Astaaraat Qarnayim | Astamgaaro - Judge | Asuur | Atad | Awiit | Ayashulum Au - Heavenly Father
Playlist B

Babel | Bela | Bani Israel | Bap gati etas afsar - Tax Collector | Baptismaa ghuta - Baptism | Barad | Bethel | Bethlehem | Beitul Muqaddas - Holy Temple | Temple court | Beelzebul | Betuel | Beer-Lahi-Roi | Beersheba | Bilawar - Glass | Bilha | Benjamin | Bisman otas - Circumsize | Botanc - Idols | Buri - Silver | Burondo - Ring | Busra | Buṣai - Farmland
Playlist C

Con - Slave
Playlist D

Dan | David | Daman - Lord | Daroġo - Stick | Del - Oil | Gardener | Dinhaba | Dothan | Dospasas Ine - Saviour | Ducikin osqanas ḍako - Cross | Durac - Apostle
Playlist Ḍ

Ḍalo - Group
Playlist E

Elam | Emites | Enim | Er | Esqulase Xudeei - Burnt offering
Playlist F

Faran | Fau | Faniel | Farat - Euphrates | Farizites | Firishta - Angel
Playlist G

Galilea | Gaṭu c̣aṭ etas - Tear clothes | Golgotha | Gunaa - Sin
Playlist Ġ

Ġeeiṅe śun - Grapevine
Playlist H

Haran | Hebron | Haġure araba - Horse Chariot | Hamur | Hanna (1) | Hanna (2) | Hasasun Tamar | Hawilah | Herod | Herod Antipas | Hira | Hikmat - Wisdom | Hittites | Hiwwites | Hurites
Playlist I

Ibaadat xaana - Worship place | Synagogue leader | Ibne Aadam - Son of Man | Ibrahiim | Ibraani - Hebrew | Edom | Ephraim | Ephratha | Ephron | Iilikinas - Worship, Praise | Iisaa | Ellasar | Iliyaas - Elijah | Imtihaan ganas - Temptation | Isaac | Israel
Playlist J

Jaćarum loq-budul - Sackcloth | Jashan - Goshen | Jibreel - Gabriel | Gilead | Gerar | Girgasites
Playlist K

Kaaṭ - Promise | Kaaṭ-waada - Covenant | Capernaum | Cherubi angel | Chaldaeans | Chezib | Canaan | Kitaab - Book | Quirinius | Cush
Playlist Kh

Playlist L

Laban | Levi (1) | Levi (2) | Levi (3) | Lazarus 1 | Lazarus 2 | Leeling etas - Special Knowing | Linen | Leah | Lot | Luz
Playlist M

Manasse | Maryam | Masiih | Masriqa | Mazar - Grave | Mele bagaaro - Cupbearer | Midiyanites | Migdal Eder | Mishpat | Moria | Multan - Blood | Moab | Moses
Playlist N

Nazareth | Nahor | Negev | Neek - Good, Righteous | Nineveh | Nile | Noah | Nuure sangkush - Brightness of the Light, of God
Playlist O

Oc̣ue ẓaal apalas - Preserving brother's offspring | Augustus | Oolaate gane conanmo kaa gar etas - Marrying slave girl for offspring | Onan
Playlist P

Paddan-Aram | Peter | Peeġambar - Prophet | Pistacia
Playlist Ph

Phaal biśayas - Casting lots | Phalangi | Pharisee | Phask - Net | Phiṭi-ṣapike uyum xamsaama - chef cook
Playlist Q

Kadesh | Kadmonites | Keturah | Kenites | Qinizites | Qiryataim | Qiryat-Arba
Playlist X

Xoś-xabari - Good News | Xudaa - God | Xudaaye rahmet - God's mercy | Xudaaye Sujo Ha - God's Holy House, God's Temple | Xudaaye Sujo Ií - God's Holy Son | God's holy Law | God's Kingdom | Xudeei - Offering | Xudeeimićiṅe man - Altar for offerings
Playlist R

Ramses | Rachel | Rehoboth | Ribqa - Rebecca | Rephaites | Reuben | Roman Imperium | Roman ؑEmperor | Ruza ganas - Fasting
Playlist S

Saalem | Samaritan | Samaria | Sarah | Sarai | Sabbath | Sodom | Sadducees | Seir | Samuel | Seeda | Shela | Siddim | Sidir - Spice for funeral | Sifnat-Fani | Shechem | Shinar | Suc̣umei - Peace, Harmony | Sujo Ha - Holy House, Temple | Sujo Qaanuun - Holy Law | Sujo Ruuh - Holy Spirit | Succoth | Suur | Shua
Playlist Sh

Shagird - Disciple | Simon (1) | Simon (2) | Sheer - Lion | Sheitaan | Unleavened bread | Shuur | Tower of Shiloh
Playlist T

Tarcoal | Tamar | Tarshish | Teṣ etas - make an oath | Timnat | Tooba - Repentance
Playlist Th

Thaanum Daman - LORD | Thamkuyaṅaṭum tham - Emperor, Caesar | Tharbai - Stone pillar | Theophilus | Thomal - Incense
Playlist U

Uchamanum - Firstborn | Uiik - (their) Name | On | Ur | Uyaṭkuin - Overseer | Uyoon cum uyum axon - High priest | Uyum tom - Great tree
Playlist W

Wahi - Revelation
Playlist Y

Yaffa - Joppa | Jacob 1 | Jabbok | Yahuda - Judah | Judea | Yahwe | Yahya | Jericho | Jerusalem | Yebusites | Yousuf - Joseph (1) | Yousuf - Joseph (2)
Playlist Z

Zechariah (1) | Zechariah (2) | Mount of Olives | Zeboim | Zealot | Zilfa | Adultery | Zoar